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Cigarette Bins Direct

a trading division of buzz wholesale ltd

British Company

British Company


0330 100 1900


Frequent Questions

Where is smoking banned?

Smoking is banned in all enclosed public places including: Pubs, restaurants, private clubs and workplaces across Britain. Company vehicles or any vehicle which contains someone under the age of 18 is also subject to the ban.

Where can I smoke?

Only in private homes and public places that have specified smoking areas. If you are a business owner you must make sure you have a specified smoking area outdoors for your employees if they wish to smoke.

Do I need a cigarette bin?

It is an offence to throw down, drop or otherwise deposit litter (under section 87 of the 1990 act). This includes cigarette butts as clarified by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environmental Act (Subsection 5A/section 98 of 1990 act).

What are the penalties for persons caught smoking in banned areas?

Any person caught smoking in a public place will face ?50 on the spot fine, whilst premises may be fined up to ?2,500 . There will also be spot fines of ?200 for premises failing to display no smoking signs, which could rise to ?1,000 in court. Any driver caught smoking with someone aged under 18 inside the vehicle will face an on the spot fine of ?50 (as well as the smoker in the case of someone other than the driver smoking.)

What if I have a window or door open in my car?

The law includes any private vehicle that is enclosed even partially by a roof, even if the windows or sunroof are open, the air conditioning on, or if the smoker sits in the open doorway of the vehicle.

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